Saturday, December 3, 2011


“Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths”
(Mark 1,1-8)
Rev. Alexander Diaz

Today we begin to read the gospel according to Saint Mark.  The word “Gospel” means “Good News”. Which means, that it is something good, something big, something capable of making us happy, something which causes this vessel of clay to overflow, this and more represents the Holy Gospel. 

The message touches the individual and also touches society as a whole, it touches the body and the soul; it goes way down and touches the deepest part of the Spirit.  The “Good News” which transforms us, that uplifts us.

The “Good News” that make us according to God’s plans, our Creator.  The Bearer and Consumer is Christ.  None other than the Son of God.  He brings us the Good News as we are the direct addresses of this grace. 

This is something very curious, rather odd, the Good News which should make us happy and joyful, begin with a call for penance and conversion.   Nowadays, we are exposed to multiple factors of alignment and real slavery, sometimes is the absolute empire of the scientific reason , badly understood, that suffocates our being, what we are. 

Other times, we install ourselves in a superficial life that does not allow us to reach out and touch our own hearts.  We are only interested in our immediate satisfaction, there is no room for God in our lives.  Frequently, the emptiness left by the absence of God, is filled with the “modern gods”, like money, social prestige, sex, having fun, the standards of living, the consumption of things, etc.

But life’s profound dimension is kept suppressed and it disturbs our relation with God, our relation with our brothers and sisters.   In these days of Advent we have to listen again to the voice of John and we have to recognize our own faults, we have to leave our bad habits behind, and start all over again.  

Be a free, loose and liberated man.  Without palaces, without luxurious clothing, without ornaments, without any kind of ties, to be able to shout to all: “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight His paths.” (Mc.1,3)  This means to remove the obstacles that prevent  the arrival of the Lord in our lives,  nothing will block the doors of our hearts  to His presence which is coming to liberate us, to free us.   

The Voice of God in the dessert.  This invitation is good news that awakens our hopes, hope that is not a cheap optimism or the search of naive consolation, but rather a way to confront life from our radical trust in God.  A frequent question is: ¿Who are those who prepare the way of the Lord”   They prepare the way of the Lord and open doors to those who make an effort to “make straight His paths”.   

These are the ones who, with a systematic effort are willing to acquire the virtues that quickens the coming of the Lord into their hearts.  Therefore, !Dispose of, remove the selfishness and attachments to material goods and cover yourself with generous and open handed attitudes! Dispose of the insensibility in front of your neighbor’s needs.   Cover yourself with love and charity which become a reality with attitudes and initiatives of your solidarity.  

Get rid of the gossip, the slander,  the defamation, of talking bad behind other peoples’ who are not present to defend themselves,  of obscene, indecent and crude language and cover yourself with a speech that is reverent, that looks to edify, build up, make others look and feel good. Someone who really loves, do not bear to wait, he wants “now”, the presence of his/her loved one. 

If you love God with all your heart, “lower the mountain and hills”, get rid of all obstacles, clean your heart of all sin, vice and bad habits which will prevent Him from coming and staying in your heart. At the same time “make straight the paths” , clothes yourself with Christ and His virtues,  make a great effort to think, love and live like Him.

We should not forget that the continuous effort of conversion will be totally useless and sterile, if we do not go constantly to the Lord in prayer, if we do not turn to the sacraments where we will find the strength and grace we need, where we will find the Lord Himself.  “Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.”  (Jn. 15,5). 

He will make fruitful all your efforts, if you constantly go to Him and fight with patience and perseverance.  Hence, in all your struggles and efforts, be persistent in your daily prayers, in the constant, intimate dialogue that is your encounter with the Lord, listen to His words.    

We are renovated, transformed, we are children, sons and daughters of the Father.   We are His confidants, we are His friends, we are the heirs of His Glory.  We are heirs of His Kingdom. To all these we call Salvation and we are short. 

The Salvation takes place right now in an admirable manner, but “Tomorrow”, the Great Day of the Lord, will be revealed completely to us.  We have to prepare ourselves, be ready.

 We have to do penance and believe in the Gospel,   AMEN!

1 comment:

  1. Padre Mauricio! Holas...ayer lo vi en la Misa de las 11:00 AM. Estuvo celebrando. Y hoy prendo mi computadora y lo encuentro.

    Nos preparamos para La Navidad.
    Estoy rezando por todos nuestros sacerdotes,nuestros pastores de carne y hueso, que son un verdadero regalo.

    Pax tibi!
    Maribel de Panama.
